Thursday, 9 August 2018

Back and bloomin’ again...

Extra extra, read all about it! 

Yikes, sorry it’s been so long since my last post!! Time to get back in action and I’ve got plenty to share!! Stay posted! 

📮 📮 📮

So its pretty rare that a florist gets given flowers as a gift. Still kinda ironic to me! I’ve come to two conclusions as to why this is the case... the first being that people tend to think that because we are around and working with flowers all day that it’s the last thing we’d want to be given. Secondly, the giver may feel a certain pressure and would rather not disappoint, as we could easily be critical or judgemental.Let me tell you.. this is so not the case! Lil’ old me had my birthday a few weeks back and I actually happened to be on the receiving end (for the first time whilst being a florist.) A flower delivery and a card with my name on it and boy did I feel sooo special!!! It was such a surprise and it was so lovely to receive something I truly love and appreciate and experience for myself the joy and magic that comes with it! A bigggg thank you to my lovely friend (and floral mentor) Bex for the prettiest birthday flowers and making this special moment for me...

Sweet pea, anemone and poppies- talk about a spring crush! 

💖 💖 💖

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